J55 Pañcāvudha Jātaka



绘图/ Ken Chee
设计/ 月莲
英复述/ Jeane
中译/ Satimā
审稿/ 陈语

Prince Five-Weapons

Jātaka 55: Pañcāvudha Jātaka
How Prince Five-Weapons fought the Yakkha Sticky-Hair, with wisdom and brave effort.

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Ken Chee
Designed by Ger Lian
Retold by Jeane
Proofread by Joanne Soo, Chan Zhi Hong

以勇猛的心和坚定的意志...”—— 导师佛陀住在祇陀林(Jetavana)时,因为一位放弃精进的比丘而说了这首偈颂。
It is through bravery and determination,” – This was spoken by Buddha, the Teacher while he was staying at Jetavana concerning a bhikkhu who had given up effort.

The Teacher asked him, “Is the hearsay true, bhikkhu, that you have given up effort?”

“Yes, Blessed One,” the bhikkhu replied.

“In the past, bhikkhu, the wise used brave effort in the hour of need, and eventually he acceded the throne.”

And so saying, the Teacher told the past.


Long time ago, when Brahmadatta was ruling at the city of Bārāṇasī, the Bodhisatta was reborn in the womb of the queen. bārāṇasī

On the naming day, eight hundred brahmins were invited to see the bodily marks and read the fortune of the prince. They said,

“Great king, the prince is endowed with great merits. He should be a mighty king after you!”

The king was delighted at this news.

“Great king, your son will be skilful in the use of five weapons when he grows up.
He will become famous as the greatest master of these five weapons throughout Jambudīpa!”

因此,国王说道:“好,那就为太子取名为 ‘五武器王子’。”
Thus, the king said, “Well, we shall name him Prince Five-Weapons.”

One day, the king told the prince,

“My son, you’re 16 now.
Go to the city of Takkasilā, you will find a world-famous teacher there!
Give him this one thousand, and learn all you can from him.”

The prince replied, “Yes, father.”

The prince studied hard, and became the teacher’s best student.

Having learned the craft, he brought along the five weapons given to him by his teacher, paid respect to his teacher, and then left the city of Takkasilā.

在回家的路上,他来到了一座森林。 人们试图阻止他,说道:
On his way home, he came to a forest. Some men tried to stop him, saying,

“Young man, don’t go through the forest!
There is a yakkha called Sticky-Hair living there.”
“He eats everyone he sees!”

Like a fearless maned lion, the Bodhisatta walked confidently into the forest.

夜叉吼道:“还往哪儿去?站住! 你是我的猎物!”
In the middle of the forest, he met the terrible yakkha.
“Where else are you going? Stand right there! You are my prey!” the yakkha roared.

图画/ “吼! 吼! 吼!”
Image/ “Roarrr! Roarrr! Roarrr!”

“Yakkha, I enter this forest full of confidence!
You must be careful if you come close to me.
I will be able to take you down easily with my first two weapons – the bow and the poisoned arrows!”

He shot an arrow directly at the yakkha, but it just stuck to his hair.

He shot all 50 of his arrows, but the same thing happened each time.

菩萨心想 :“怪不得人人都称它为‘粘毛’!”
The Bodhisatta whispered, “So, that’s why people call him Sticky-Hair!”

然后菩萨说:“试试我的第三种武器 —— 长剑!”长剑竟然紧紧地黏附在粘毛浓密的毛发上,没伤害到它分毫。
The Bodhisatta then said, “Try my third weapon – the long sword!” The long sword was also stuck to the thick coat of Sticky-Hair without harming him in any way.

菩萨又说:“让我用我的矛!” 菩萨把他的矛投去,但这第四种武器依然无法伤到夜叉。
The Bodhidatta said again, “Let me use my spear!” The Bodhisatta threw his spear, but this fourth weapon was still unable to harm the yakkha.

“我将使用我最后的武器—— 棍棒!” 菩萨以他的第五种武器作最后的攻击,但还是失败。
“I will use my last weapon – the club!” The Bodhisatta made a final attack with his fifth weapon, but still failed.

Image/ The yakkha laughed, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
图画/ “哈! 哈! 哈! 哈!”

“Yakkha, you have never heard of me. I am Prince Five-Weapons!
But I have more than these five weapons, I have a strong body, too! I will break you into pieces!” the Bodhisatta shouted.

He hit Sticky-Hair with his right fist and then with his left, like a boxer. But both of his hands stuck to the gooey mess of hair.

Then, the Bodhisatta kicked him with his right foot and then his left, but the result was just the same.

Finally, he butted Sticky-Hair as hard as he could with his head. Sticky-Hair wasn’t hurt at all by this, either.

图画/ “糟了! 不可能的!”
Image/ “Oh no! It can’t be!”

“This is very strange,” the yakkha thought, “this fellow is more like a fierce lion than a man.
Even while in the grasp of a yakkha like me, he does not tremble with fear.
I’ve never met anyone as brave as he is. Why isn’t he afraid of me?
He must not be an ordinary man. Perhaps, I shouldn’t eat him.”

“Young man! Why aren’t you afraid of death?” the yakkha asked.

“Why should I be afraid of death when everyone will die in the end? Moreover… the Bodhisatta answered.

Inside my body I have a diamond sword! If you eat me, you will not be able to digest this sword!
When this weapon enters your body,
it will cut up your internal organs, my death will involve yours too.
This is why I’m not afraid of you.”

By this, it is said, the Bodhisatta meant the Sword of Knowledge, which was within him.

“This youth is speaking the truth.
I am unable to digest such a hero.
I will let him go,” the yakkha thought to himself.

The yakkha said,
“Fine, I will let you go!
You’re the bravest man I’ve ever seen.
I have decided not to eat you.”

As soon as he was released, the Bodhisatta taught the Five Precepts to the yakkha.

“Friend, Sticky-Hair! I will go now.
As for you, however, you were born as an evil yakkha because you did bad actions in your past lives.
If you continue killing, you will go from darkness to darkness.”

The Bodhisatta continued,
“If you kill other beings,
you will probably be reborn in hell, as an animal, as a hungry ghost, or as an asura.
If you manage to be reborn as a human being, you will have a short lifespan.
From now onwards, you should stop committing evil deed.”

Sticky-Hair agreed to follow the Five Precepts, and, thus, the wicked and scary yakkha became a kind forest deva.

After leaving the forest, he told the people living near the forest,
“Sticky-Hair has changed his ways.
He is worthy of offerings.”

The Bodhisatta returned to Bārāṇasī with his five weapons.
Later on, he acceded the throne, and became a righteous king.
After a life spent in charity and good works, he passed away according to his kamma.




When the lesson ended, the Teacher recited this verse,

“It is through bravery and determination,
One develops the wholesome states
For the attainment of perfect peace,
Gradually achieving the destruction of all bondage.”

The Teacher, taking Arahatship as the highest point of the teaching, and also preached the Four Noble Truths. At the end of Four Noble Truths preaching, the bhikkhu attained Arahatship.

The Teacher then connected the previous birth with the present as follows, “At the time, Aṅgulimāla was the yakkha, and I myself was Prince Five-Weapons.”



央掘摩罗(Aṅgulimāla): 指鬘尊者(手指花环),他年轻时曾被老师误导去杀害1000个人,并将受害者的手指做成项链,戴在身上。在他杀第999个人后,遇见了佛陀,经过佛陀的教化,最终成就阿罗汉果。

阿罗汉果(Arahatship): 一个已成就阿罗汉果的圣者。阿罗汉意译为应供( 堪受诸人天尊敬供养),心已没有种种污秽(lobha贪、dosa嗔、 moha痴之烦恼),断除了一切欲望的束缚 。因此那一生之后,不会再有下一生的投生( 解脱生死不受后有 )。

阿修罗(Asura): 这里的阿修罗是指一种恶道众生。

波罗奈城(Bārāṇasī): 迦尸(Kāsi) 国的首都。

世尊(Bhagavā):尊敬、有福、圣洁之意; 通常用作佛陀的称谓。

菩萨(Bodhisatta): 已被过去佛授记的未来佛。

神 (Deva): 天神;或天界的众生。

四圣谛(Four Noble Truths): 苦圣谛、苦集圣谛(苦的原因)、苦灭圣谛(苦的息灭)及苦灭的道圣谛 (导致苦灭的修行)。

五戒(Five precepts): 五项人人都应该持守的道德规范:


阎浮提(Jambudīpa): 现在的印度 。

业(Kamma): 行为造作。可分为三种业 :身业、口业与意业。通过动机,我们可造作善业或恶业。当因缘成熟时,业力会带来果报。善业将会招感善报而导致投生善道;恶业将会招感恶报而导致投生恶道。

夜叉(Yakkha): 一种较低的神。这类的神有些会吃人,比如像这个本生经中的粘毛夜叉。


Aṅgulimāla: Literally, it means “Finger-necklace”. He was a youth misled by his teacher to kill 1000 people, had killed 999 people and wore a necklace of his victims’ fingers. At last, he met the Buddha, thus was converted by the Buddha and became an Arahat.

Arahatship: is a person who became an Arahat. An Arahat is a worthy one, whose mind is free from all defilements (lobha-greed, dosa-hatred, moha-delusion), who is free from the bonds of desire, thus not destined for any further rebirth, after that very life.

Asura: the asura here refers to the beings of one of woeful realms.

Bārāṇasī: the capital of Kāsi country.

Bodhisatta: is the Buddha-to-be, prophesized by another Buddha.

Deva: a deity; a god or heavenly being.

Four Noble Truths: The Noble Truth of suffering, the Noble Truth of the origin of suffering, the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering, and the Noble Truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering.

Five precepts: these are five moral rules which everyone should follow:

   1. To abstain from destroying life or killing a living being
   2. To abstain from stealing
   3. To abstain from sexual misconduct
   4. To abstain from false speech or lying
   5. To abstain from taking or using anything that causes intoxication or heedlessness

Jambudīpa: India

Kamma: Action. There are of three kinds of kamma: bodily kamma (kāya-kamma), verbal kamma (vacī-kamma), and mental kamma (mano-kamma). We create kamma through intentions (cetanā), that can be wholesome or unwholesome. When there are suitable conditions, these kamma will cause future results. Wholesome kamma will cause good results (vipāka) and rebirths in good destinations. While unwholesome kamma will cause bad results and rebirths in bad destinations.

Yakkha: a lower rank deity. Some of these deities are man-eating ogres, i.e., Sticky-Hair in this Jātaka.




1. 勇敢与无畏有什么好处?胆怯和容易放弃有什么缺点?

2. 在这本生经里,夜叉改过自新,他停止造恶,成为善良者。

a. 如果你是住在森林附近的人,你将如何对待夜叉?
b. 如果你有家庭成员曾被夜叉或坏人杀害,你会原谅他吗?你将如何对待他?
c. 相反,如果你曾伤害他人,但后来改过自新。但你不被他人原谅或接受,你是否会继续勇敢地改过自新?

3. 什么是看似勇敢?我们应该如何避免成为假英雄?

4. 如果有学生问:在这个故事中,王子说的金刚杵,实际上是指智慧杵,但夜叉却认为它是真实的武器。是王子扭曲事实吗?如果我们叙说某事物,别人不明白而误解为另一回事,这样行吗?这是善的吗?






法句经3 他辱骂我、打我、击败我、掠夺我。

法句经4 他辱骂我、打我、击败我、掠夺我。

法句经5 在这世上,恨绝不能止恨,








如果我们所说的是我们想表达的事物,不算是说谎,也不能说是不善。在现实生活中,并非所有人都能明白我们所说的一切。每一种语言都有其“比喻性” 或 “隐喻性” 。智者用此例令有智慧的人理解佛法。

例如:有个英语比喻:“It rains cats and dogs ”。这是否意味着猫和狗像雨一样从天上掉下来了呢?华语的“山盟海誓”,是否意味着我们需要像山和海那样?当然不是!


Teacher’s Guide

Some questions to guide the student(s) for reflection:

1. What are the advantages of being brave and fearless? And what are the disadvantages of being timid and giving up easily?

2. In this Jātaka, the yakkha mended his way. He stopped being evil and became good.

a. If you are one the people living near the forest, how would you treat the yakkha?
b. If one or more of your family members was killed by the yakkha or an evil-doer previously, will you forgive him? How would you treat him?
c. Now, consider that you harmed others previously but changed your ways later on. If you are not being forgiven or accepted by others, would you be brave enough to continue and mend yourself?

3. What are the circumstances in which bravery is more apparent than real? How should we avoid becoming a false hero?

4. If the student is encountered with doubt such as this question: In this Jātaka, the prince says diamond sword when he actually means sword of knowledge and the yakkha thinks it's a real sword. Is he distorting the truth? If we mean something and we say something which people don't understand, is it okay? Is it wholesome?


Answer 1:

In order to solve any problem or to achieve any goal, whether they are severe or trivial matters; effort, enthusiasm, vigor, confidence, steadfastness, perseverance, and other similar traits are necessary. Bravery covered these qualities. Due to various conditions, we might not be successful even if we have tried our best. But we will definitely fail if we give-up. If the Prince Five-Weapons was timid when facing Sticky-Hairs or gave up half-way, he would have probably been eaten-up in no time.

Working for the goal with perseverance itself is accumulating the right causes (further references can be found in Jātaka 539). We will not regret it in the future if we have tried our best. When good causes and conditions are sufficient, it is the time for the good results to ripen.

Answer 2:

We may look at these Dhammapada (Dhp) verses below:

Dhp 3. “He abused me, he struck me, he defeated me, he robbed me”; If anyone cherishes such thoughts, their hatred never ceases.

Dhp 4. “He abused me, he struck me, he defeated me, he robbed me”; If anyone cherishes not this thought, their hatred ceases.

Dhp 5. For not by hatred are hatreds ever quenched here in this world. By love rather are they quenched. This is an eternal law.

We should be mindful and think before we act because it is not easy to recoup if the harm was done.

This question is to put oneself in other's shoes, so that we can empathize with others. Under such circumstances, it's time to practice patience (khanti).

This question also points out what is real bravery and perseverance to do the right things.

Answer 3:

If somebody is being challenged or flattered by others until they give-up their morality and violate the precepts (e.g., to rob others, to take intoxicants, to seek other wives etc.), these actions are not considered real bravery. As long as any deed is an unwholesome action, it will never count as brave; rather it is just being fooled, exploited or manipulated by others, and will end-up in accumulating lots of unwholesome kamma. In order to avoid these from happening, we should avoid association with the fools who challenged or flattered us. If we are unable to avoid meeting with them, we should not talk to them. However, if we are also unable to avoid talking to them, we should not listen to their wrong view.

Most of the common worldlings are easily influenced by the eight worldly conditions (aka vicissitudes): gain and loss, fame and disrepute, praise and blame, pleasure and pain. Even though there are hundreds and thousands of fools who praise us or disparage us, it is not worthy compared to the advice we get from one wise person. One is not a fool or wise because of how they are called by others, but rather it counts on their inner qualities. We should associate with the wise and listen attentively to their advice so that we can differentiate wholesome and unwholesome deeds.

Answer 4:

If we said something that we mean, we are not lying and we cannot say it is unwholesome. In real life, not everyone can understand everything we say. There are "figurative" or "metaphorical" sayings in every language. The wise use such terms and examples to let the wise understand the Dhamma.

For example, in English, we say: It is raining cats and dogs. Does that mean cats and dogs are falling from the sky as rain? Certainly not.

In this story, the original Pāli for the diamond sword is: vajirāvudhaṃ (diamond weapon – it also is the powerful weapon used by King Sakka). Figuratively speaking, the prince was talking about the inner power/merits of wisdom that he has. In the eye of the yakkha, it is the unexplainable power that make the prince so brave. Therefore, it is something possessed by the prince that he figuratively described as vajirāvudhaṃ, not just a vain claim. In fact, this interior power owned by the prince (Bodhisatta) could even be more powerful than the real vajirāvudhaṃ owned by King Sakka.


省思 Reflection

我们的内心蕴藏着最强大的武器 —— 智慧与勇猛精进。





The greatest weapon of all is hidden inside you – Wisdom and brave effort.

People used to tell us about how we can use materials to protect ourselves when we face difficulties. However, in this story, our Bodhisatta showed us how we can face our challenges with the weapons hidden inside us:

Confidence (it is not referred to the self-ego or feeling inferior types of confidence), skills, courage, compassion, wisdom and brave effort.

Instead of fighting his enemy, he helped his enemy.

Children, are you ready to face your challenges with the weapons the Bodhisatta showed us?
